Hotel Berghof


Entdecke den Innradweg: Ein Paradies für Radfahrer und Naturliebhaber

Der Innradweg bietet eine der schönsten Radrouten Europas, startet in Maloja, Schweiz, und führt entlang des Inns über 517 Kilometer bis nach Passau, Deutschland. Diese faszinierende Route schlängelt sich durch beeindruckende Landschaften, historische Städte und charmante Dörfer.  Erleben Sie unvergessliche … Read More


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Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller

Ibn Battuta

10 Must-See Spots on the West Coast

Have you ever wanted to travel the world, but didn’t know how to get started? … Read More

10 hidden gems in North America that you’ll want to visit

Here at The Traveling Yogi, we believe that travel is the best way to learn about yourself and the world around you. … Read More

The most underrated places in California

We want to help you make your travel dreams a reality, with advice on everything from packing to budgeting. … Read More

Our Essential Vacation Tips

So come explore with us – we can’t wait to show you the world! … Read More

Top Destinations Reviewed

Are you ready to see some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring places on Earth? … Read More

Our Answers Your Top Questions

Then join us as we journey to some of the most off-the-beaten-path destinations out there. … Read More

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